featured by future …
In times of oversurveillance and permanent situations of conflict – the new field, named as camouflage architecture (pixel or particle camouflage architecture > PCA as ultramodern style successor of the Modern and Post modern of the 20th century), as opposite of usual representative public or private buildings – summarizes classically the hide&seek principle, which originates from militarian architecture of Antiquity cultures.
This publication brings future to life. After decades of thoughtful observing past, contemporary history, political systems, social structures, economical tendencies, planet- related problems and latest technologies- a very farsighted conception, which compiles most relevant issues of known kinds of existence came into being.
In compliance with current and salable copyright laws, it can be confirmed as it can be proved, that all edited text and each visual was generated by one human being and automatically as authorship in personal union. Further information or data can be obtained on request. To heighten your concentration, to reduce not necessary emissions and to keep it excellent elaborated, visual descriptions aren‘t extra animated. status quo 2024.