Dear recipients and visitors of this web presentation,

because of misinterpretations of published work, respectively parts of work and to keep it professional there is only issued, what you currently see here. In spite of every one is invited to get inspired of course, as always. Until this trouble is hopefully finished.

The author isn‘t responsible or reliable for persons, who relate content creations, color combinations, dates of publication, objects, sound creations or other expressions on this web presentation to themselves.*
To whom I am interested in or persons, who are professional, too, get informed or noticed of course.

Jasmin Liebetrau

Fantasy is very important, especially, if you think out of grid. Not important is, what other persons think, what should be important in a grid, which cuts outstanding personality, skills and creativity.
As it happened and gave reason for this announcement.

*This information also refers to other published pages, independent work in general or work, which was created in order and was paid regulary – or pages, including text and foto content, in order, mostly anonymous published – in the last 20 years.

CODEX BACH I music box I semiotic perception I touching sound I to be continued …

SAT FORMATION landscape impression I night view version